BCH Register App Service Terms

Last updated: March 9, 2020

1. Introduction

This page sets out the Service Terms for the Bitcoin Cash Register console (“BCR”). By accessing BCR, you accept all of the terms herein. A reference in these Service Terms to “Bitcoin.com,” “we,” “us,” or “our” means Saint Bitts LLC.

Separate Terms of Use also apply to your use of BCR. In the event of conflict between these Service Terms and the Terms of Use, the Service Terms shall prevail.

BCR is published by Saint Bitts LLC and consists of software that permits you to accept payment in virtual currencies. It is important to note that at no point will Bitcoin.com take custody of any virtual currency sent or received by you via BCR.

2. Risk Disclosures Relating to BCR

2.1. In order to be completed, any virtual currency transaction created with BCR must be confirmed and recorded in the virtual currency ledger associated with the relevant virtual currency network. Such networks are decentralized, peer-to-peer networks supported by independent third parties, which are not owned, controlled or operated by Bitcoin.com.

2.2. Bitcoin.com has no control over any virtual currency network and therefore cannot and does not ensure that any transaction details you submit and/or receive via BCR will be confirmed on the relevant virtual currency network. The transaction details you submit and/or receive via BCR may not be completed, or may be substantially delayed, by the virtual currency network or third party used to process the transaction. We do not guarantee that BCR can transfer title or right in any virtual currency or make any warranties whatsoever with regard to title.

2.3. Once transaction details have been submitted to a virtual currency network, we cannot assist you to cancel or otherwise modify your transaction or transaction details. Bitcoin.com has no control over any virtual currency network and does not have the ability to facilitate any cancellation or modification requests.

3. Network Upgrade

A “Network Upgrade” or “Fork” means a change to the underlying protocol of a virtual currency network that may result in more than one version of a virtual currency, the result of which may be one or more versions that are not supported by BCR. In the event of a Fork or other network disruption, Bitcoin.com may not be able to support activity related to your virtual currency. In the event of a Fork, the transactions may not be completed, completed partially, incorrectly completed, or substantially delayed. Bitcoin.com is not responsible for any loss incurred by you caused in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by a Fork or other network disruption.

4. Security

You are solely responsible for remembering, storing and keeping your BCR password secret. Any third party with knowledge of one or more of your credentials (including, without limitation, a backup phrase, wallet identifier or password) can dispose of virtual currency associated with your BCR account.

5. Fees

Bitcoin.com does not currently charge a fee for using BCR. However, we reserve the right to do so in the future, and in such case shall display to you any applicable fees. Network fees (including, without limitation “miner’s fees”) required to use a virtual currency network may apply to a transaction. We may attempt to calculate such a fee for you. Our calculation may not be sufficient or it may be excessive. You are solely responsible for selecting and paying any such fee and Bitcoin.com shall neither advance nor fund such a fee on your behalf, nor be responsible for any excess or insufficient fee calculation.

1. Introduction2. Risk Disclosures Relating to BCR3. Network Upgrade4. Security5. Fees